Brian Douglas grew up in Alberta, Canada, and has lived, at least for a short while, in each of the prairie provinces prior to making British Columbia his home in 2017. He began working as a short-order cook in the seventh grade and has really never stopped working. While his careers have changed, from dishwasher to therapist to lighting designer to hospital crisis counselor, for as long as he can remember, writing has always been Brian’s greatest passion. He has three grown children, four grandchildren, and a deep respect for the broken human condition. Brian holds a master’s degree with a double major in clinical counseling and pastoral leadership. They Flutter Behind You is his first novel.

Stories have been a part of humanity since the dawn of time. The stories I’ve told others, (some true – some bullshit), and the stories I’ve told myself (mostly bullshit), have made up the man I am today. Transparency and authenticity are the two most valuable contributors to good story telling. The words you will find here are fiction. They hold zero truth. Nevertheless, mired within the untruth are the truths I have come to believe through a lifetime of mistakes, pain and brokenness. More importantly however, they are the truths I have come know through much grace, mercy, compassion and hope. After all, ‘wholeness is brokenness owned and, thereby healed.’